Sanja Sever, PhD
VP Drug Discovery, Director of the Sealy Institute of Drug Discovery, The University of Texas Medical Branch at Galveston (UTMB)
Dr. Sanja Sever serves as Director of The Sealy Institute for Drug Discovery at The University of Texas Medical Branch (UTMB) in Galveston. Her goal is to foster collaboration between scientists, clinicians, and industry partners to drive novel, innovative approaches for the diagnosis, treatment, and prevention of diverse diseases. Prior to joining UTMB, Dr Sever ran an NIH-funded research laboratory at Harvard Medical School, Massachusetts General Hospital for 21 years.
Dr. Sever is an internationally recognized molecular biologist and biochemist whose research focuses on the molecular mechanisms that underlie diverse human diseases. She has authored 50+ publications in esteemed journals, such as Nature, Nature Medicine, and New England Journal of Medicine. She is also an inventor on several patents.
Dr Sever has also co-founded a biotech company, Walden Biosciences, located at Kendall Square, Cambridge. Walden Biosciences is pioneering novel treatments for kidney diseases.
Dr. Sever thinks her greatest assets are an unorthodox approach to scientific problems and the ability to assemble teams of experts capable of answering challenging scientific questions. These accomplishments stem from her love for biological sciences.